
Movie Reviews, Commentary & More

Movies #5 - Animation Progress

I watched Toy Story a few days back. When the movie was released about 10 years back, it was an instant hit, critically super acclaimed and hailed as revolutionary in the progress of animated movies. Pixar brought 3-D animation to screen with a like-never-before tag and it was quite true to see the new shapes and sizes moving around. And then I watched Incredibles. Boy, Toy Story isn't even half as entertaining as the Incredibles.

I guess it just reiterates the cliche, that at the heart of a good movie is a good story and at the heart of a great movie is a great story. Critics and the general public must have been awed by the animation of Toy Story (1995), that they stopped devoting their critical skills to the dialogues and story and just laughed out loudly at the slighest hint of comedy. With time, when superior graphics is taken for granted by the audience, a movie's story-telling skills can be the front runner in getting across to the viewer and make him laugh or cry with the characters.

1 Responses to “Movies #5 - Animation Progress”

  1. # Blogger Reel Fanatic

    The storyline is hit-or-miss in Pixar flicks for me ... The Incredibles was indeed, well, incredible, but I was bored for long stretches in the middle of both "Cars" and "Finding Nemo"  

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