
Movie Reviews, Commentary & More

What do you think?

Dear Reader,
Thanks for visiting my blog - which has been predominantly a movie blog so far. I write my musings on non-movie stuff here, and if you've been there, you'll know that I update very infrequently. Do you think it's okay if I merged my other blog with this one? Would you think of it as a distraction to read about non-movie stuff here?

Thanks for your frankness.

9 Responses to “What do you think?”

  1. # Blogger Badrinath.V.S

    if u are using a blog tool like wordpress where there is this option to categorize blog posts then the merge shud be fine , otherwise i did prefer u keeping them seperate.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hi Prasad,

    Maintaining exclusiveness is quite important to any media/medium.

    If you anyway update your other blog 'infrequently', why bother to merge it with this one?

    I understand it would become easier for you to manage your blogging if you indeed merge the two, but i don't see any value for a reader in such an activity. In fact, some of your regular readers might consider it a distraction.

    I for one would like to see ScreenArt remain true to its name - screen art.  

  3. # Blogger Arun

    I guess you can merge both into one. Bcos it would be practically impossible for you to maintain 2 blogs in the longer run given your busy schedules. Also it would be nice to deviate from movie reviews once in a while and come back with renewed enthusiasm.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    k, having different blogs is an ideal solution for professional bloggers (like say problogger or jason calacanis). you can link to your other blogs at the right panel.

    but as a non-full time blogger, it may be difficult for you to maintain many blogs as kingofchennai says. the main thing to worry about is the blog frequency. your movie blog may be frequent but say your sports interest blog may not be so. if they are a combined blog with cinema & sports as categories, it helps. but then readers who are interested in your movie reviews alone may not like this (though it is possible for them to subscribe to your movie posts alone if there are separate feeds)  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Keep one exclusively for movies. Have one for everything else.

    Or worst case, have it like Sudhish Kamath's blog, giving links to all your movie reviews and always remembering to update that section.  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I agree with KingofChennai's comment. It is fine to digress once in a while from the main movie topic. It will be refreshing for the reader as well. :-)

    Rajkumar. B  

  7. # Blogger Reese

    I'd say keep them separate, but HEY, you should update that other blog, too!

    I enjoy the writing there.  

  8. # Blogger Prasad Venkat

    Thanks for all your comments. I spoke with Google gurus and blog-savvy friends who advise me against merging my movie & non-movie blogs. I'm planning to redesign my site sometime this week and I also plan to regularly update my other blog, which I have comfortably ignored so far. That should provide fresh breath of air to this dull designed site.

    In the near future (a few months probably) I may switch over to wordpress, which offers better features. Though I hate to switch, I'll make sure that a visit/hit to this site will automatically redirect to my new site.  

  9. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Don't merge them.
    They are best kept separate.
    Particularly, if you don't have individual rss feeds for the categories/subcategories.


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